Wednesday, September 4, 2024

2019 Taetea Dayi Raw Tuo


I recently opened a 2109 Taetea Dayi raw tuo.  The tea was moderately compressed and I easily opened the tuo with the help of a tea pick. 

My recent sampling of newer raw pu erh tea was not very exciting as many of the newer raw pu erh tend to be very lightly processed. The new pu erh lack the raw strength in both taste and aroma. There is hardly any bitterness or complication of taste in the tea. Yes, most the new raw pu erh is easy to drink and can be drunk now without the need for long term storage. I suppose this style of processing is to appeal to the newer or younger tea drinkers who want to drink their tea purchases now and are not wanting or have any desire to store their tea for more than 10 years before consuming the tea. 

This Dayi tuo is actually quite pleasant. It is not that 'green' in that I could taste a little of the traditional pu erh processing in this tea. There is light bitterness and a faint sweetness in the aftertaste. 

I prefer my pu erh to be on the stronger side than this greener kind.  Maybe I am too fussy. 

1 comment:

Gallardo said...

I bought this Tuo during my trip to Penang few years ago and have not try it yet. Have tried a few younger fresher puer, but I too prefer not so "green" puer, like them very aged. I have tried a few aged puer around 2004-2010 (Mainly xiaguan tuo, a Lv Da Shu, and a few ChangTai from KTM), but most tasted around the same unlike other types of tea, and many told me puer has the widest taste characteristic compared to other teas, even like Dancong (which is what I drink primarily). Do you have any interesting cakes to recommend for a beginner?